And this is why we do not feel empathy when they cry about losing their jobs. They are not concerned about the rest of America who has to deal with this fucktastrophy that they voted for, only about themselves. No pity for them.
There was a clue in all those stories. Did they only interview the White people being served in the front of the diner, or did they think to go in the back to interview the Black people serving them?
It seems to me your political comments are out of touch. Every human being deserves respect. Not only those with leftish liberal political attitudes. The afd party in Germany is smeared to be extremist right wing by their hysterical political opponents. In some regions of Germany the party is supported by more than 30% of voters. One third of the population are right wing extremists? Perhaps you should also mull a little more about the fact that the American voters chose vile Trump instead of his virtuous opponent to lead the country for a reason.
You have a very naive idea of humanity. Huge number of Germans supported Hitler's rise to power. When those same Nazis invaded all of Europe they found a staggering number of traitors in every country they occupied. Here in Norway, we had plenty of traitors, who sided with the Nazis.
You think Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin etc could have done their crimes without huge numbers of followers? Your idea that virtue is a popularity contest is misguided. Your opinions and values are not validated by the number of people who holds them. Once upon a time a majority believe in slavery. You think that made slavery okay? You think the people who supported slavery deserved by respect and admiration.
Do you have no principles you hold dear? If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. I think your misconception is that you think I see political opinions similar to race or sex. As something intrinsic to people. Nobody is born a bigot. You are made into one. And you can be unmade a bigot.
If you believe every human being deserves respect, then why don't you spend your energy arguing with MAGA bigots. Because my beef with them is exactly that: That they do not respect other human beings. If you think your energy should be spent on me rather than them then your moral compass is broken.
I am not the one disrespecting people for their religion, gender, skin color or sexual orientation. I am disrespecting people for being nasty to other people. I am not speaking disparagingly about people only trying to live their lives, not hurting anybody else. But MAGA do hurt other people. Hence it is a moral obligation to stand up to them.
Completely hopeless. Have fun hunting traitors nazis and Stalinists and slavers. I don’t think slavery is okay by the way. I do think though your rude and nonsensical acting up deserves any admiration or any attention. You expose yourself quite a bigot if you believe human dignity depends on correct political views. This kind of ideological thinking and dehumanizing of opponents and enemies is precisely what made the atrocities of Nazis and Communists of various kinds and leaders possible in the first place. The trump picture you posted with your article is telling about yourself.
You are saying a Nazi deserves respect. I say no. That separates us. Accusing me of dehumanizing simply because I don't respect Nazis, is frankly just something a Nazi apologist would say. If you care more about attacking the critics of Nazis and Communists than the actual Nazis and Communists then your moral compass is just broken.
And I said nothing about human dignity. I never suggested MAGA should be mistreated, imprisoned, denies service etc. I am talking specifically about how we talk to them in political discourse. They must tolerate negative characterization about the views they hold. If you express racist views, you must tolerate to be called a racist. If you hold misogynist views, you must tolerate being called a misogynist.
I will accept a reformed Nazi though. While I believe MAGA is a vile movement, I do believe most of them have the capacity to change and rejoin humanity. But while they continue to lend their full support behind an authoritarian fascist rapist, I don't need to respect them. I will respect them when they turn their back on him.
Why don't you spell it out? Are you saying that all humans, including Nazis, deserve respect, or that it's unthinkable to treat Americans the same as Nazis just because they voted for a Nazi?
If it's the first, you seem to be contradicting your own values with the vitriolic tone of your comments towards Erik, who presumably deserves at least as much respect as Nazis.
If it's the second, you are either sadly out of touch with reality, or (more likely) getting ready to blame us for turning you into a Nazi.
Hehe yeah that is the irony. He can disparage me as someone who is a bigot and dehumanize other people. But he is not willing to call out MAGA for doing this. They really struggle to comprehend the difference between talking about someone who behaved badly in disparaging terms compared to someone attacking others simply over their race, sexual orientation, lifestyle or whatever. I have seen MAGA ridicule and mock obese people, while getting upset that a liberal describe them as hateful, bigoted or intolerant.
I come to suspect that Oliver is not entirely honest. Most likely a MAGA who doesn't like being put in the spotlight. He acts up for selfish interests not because he actually cares about other people.
It is just the normal MAGA hypocrisy of demanding respect because they are many. Demanding that I see their views as respectable simply because they are in large numbers.
And this is why we do not feel empathy when they cry about losing their jobs. They are not concerned about the rest of America who has to deal with this fucktastrophy that they voted for, only about themselves. No pity for them.
All those dreary trips to midwestern diners to understand them, while they sneered continously at city dwellers.
There was a clue in all those stories. Did they only interview the White people being served in the front of the diner, or did they think to go in the back to interview the Black people serving them?
Generally, not.
It seems to me your political comments are out of touch. Every human being deserves respect. Not only those with leftish liberal political attitudes. The afd party in Germany is smeared to be extremist right wing by their hysterical political opponents. In some regions of Germany the party is supported by more than 30% of voters. One third of the population are right wing extremists? Perhaps you should also mull a little more about the fact that the American voters chose vile Trump instead of his virtuous opponent to lead the country for a reason.
You have a very naive idea of humanity. Huge number of Germans supported Hitler's rise to power. When those same Nazis invaded all of Europe they found a staggering number of traitors in every country they occupied. Here in Norway, we had plenty of traitors, who sided with the Nazis.
You think Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin etc could have done their crimes without huge numbers of followers? Your idea that virtue is a popularity contest is misguided. Your opinions and values are not validated by the number of people who holds them. Once upon a time a majority believe in slavery. You think that made slavery okay? You think the people who supported slavery deserved by respect and admiration.
Do you have no principles you hold dear? If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. I think your misconception is that you think I see political opinions similar to race or sex. As something intrinsic to people. Nobody is born a bigot. You are made into one. And you can be unmade a bigot.
If you believe every human being deserves respect, then why don't you spend your energy arguing with MAGA bigots. Because my beef with them is exactly that: That they do not respect other human beings. If you think your energy should be spent on me rather than them then your moral compass is broken.
I am not the one disrespecting people for their religion, gender, skin color or sexual orientation. I am disrespecting people for being nasty to other people. I am not speaking disparagingly about people only trying to live their lives, not hurting anybody else. But MAGA do hurt other people. Hence it is a moral obligation to stand up to them.
As I state here, if you live your bigotry behind, you welcome you back to humanity:
No. Fuck them. They’ve shown they have NO civility. The onus is on them to earn it back. Not us to tolerate their hatred and bigotry. Kick rocks.
Completely hopeless. Have fun hunting traitors nazis and Stalinists and slavers. I don’t think slavery is okay by the way. I do think though your rude and nonsensical acting up deserves any admiration or any attention. You expose yourself quite a bigot if you believe human dignity depends on correct political views. This kind of ideological thinking and dehumanizing of opponents and enemies is precisely what made the atrocities of Nazis and Communists of various kinds and leaders possible in the first place. The trump picture you posted with your article is telling about yourself.
You are saying a Nazi deserves respect. I say no. That separates us. Accusing me of dehumanizing simply because I don't respect Nazis, is frankly just something a Nazi apologist would say. If you care more about attacking the critics of Nazis and Communists than the actual Nazis and Communists then your moral compass is just broken.
And I said nothing about human dignity. I never suggested MAGA should be mistreated, imprisoned, denies service etc. I am talking specifically about how we talk to them in political discourse. They must tolerate negative characterization about the views they hold. If you express racist views, you must tolerate to be called a racist. If you hold misogynist views, you must tolerate being called a misogynist.
Stop making excuses for bad people.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
I will accept a reformed Nazi though. While I believe MAGA is a vile movement, I do believe most of them have the capacity to change and rejoin humanity. But while they continue to lend their full support behind an authoritarian fascist rapist, I don't need to respect them. I will respect them when they turn their back on him.
Why don't you spell it out? Are you saying that all humans, including Nazis, deserve respect, or that it's unthinkable to treat Americans the same as Nazis just because they voted for a Nazi?
If it's the first, you seem to be contradicting your own values with the vitriolic tone of your comments towards Erik, who presumably deserves at least as much respect as Nazis.
If it's the second, you are either sadly out of touch with reality, or (more likely) getting ready to blame us for turning you into a Nazi.
Hehe yeah that is the irony. He can disparage me as someone who is a bigot and dehumanize other people. But he is not willing to call out MAGA for doing this. They really struggle to comprehend the difference between talking about someone who behaved badly in disparaging terms compared to someone attacking others simply over their race, sexual orientation, lifestyle or whatever. I have seen MAGA ridicule and mock obese people, while getting upset that a liberal describe them as hateful, bigoted or intolerant.
I come to suspect that Oliver is not entirely honest. Most likely a MAGA who doesn't like being put in the spotlight. He acts up for selfish interests not because he actually cares about other people.
It is just the normal MAGA hypocrisy of demanding respect because they are many. Demanding that I see their views as respectable simply because they are in large numbers.